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Frequently Asked Questions

Project Management Software

What is Project Management Software?

The Project Management Software allows our customers to monitor the progress of the tasks, add new ones, track the hours spent by the assistant to perform tasks.

How do you get an access to the Project Management Tool?

We will create an email (name @ virtualteameu. com) and a password and you will get an access to your profile. The password you can change anytime, as well as to track your project, make changes to your personal information, add task,etc.

Who else will have an access to the project (not your profile)?

You, your team and the virtual assistant (s).

How do I add a project?

Click on the New Project button in the left pane, then enter a name for the project and anything else required. Hit the Create Project button.

How do I add a task?

Hit the New Task button in the left panel (this method also allows the task to be assigned to someone else and to any project).


2) Visit the project page you want to add a task to and hit the New Task button (this method assumes the task will be owned by you and associated with the project page you are currently on).


Go to Tasks -> Add New Task.


The option to add a new task on the front-end is only available if an administrator has enabled it.
The option to assign a task to someone else on the front-end is only available if an administrator has enabled it.

How to edit an existing task?

Choose the project on which you want to edit task. Then select it and hit Edit Task button.

How do I delete a project?

Click on All Active Projects in the left pane. From the list of available projects, simply pass your mouse over any and hit the red cross that appears. Then confirm you want to delete the project.

Do I get a notification when a new project is created, a new task or a current task edited?

Yes, our project manager maintains email notifications. You will receive one for each of the above actions. If you wish, they can be canceled.

How to attach files to a task?

Files with various formats can be attached to new or existing tasks. When creating a new task, click the Choose Files button and select a file from your computer. The same applies to an existing task when you click Edit Task.

How can a task be marked as completed?

Navigate to the page of the project where the task is located. Find the task and place the mouse on it to display the task management menu. Select the dock in green and the task will be marked as successfully completed.

How can a task be marked as unfinished?

Navigate to the page of the project where the task is located. Find the task and place the mouse on it to display the task management menu.

How do I change the order in which tasks are shown in a project?

When you are on a project page, click the Sort Tasks button. A menu will appear to help you arrange the tasks by:
comments (tasks that have comments);
Date of creation;
to date (end date for given task);
edited (when last edited by the content of the task);

How do email notifications work?

Email notifications can be customised by clicking on the Notifications tab.

How can a task be moved to another project?

In case you have more than one active project, you can move tasks from one project to another. To do so, open the task, click the Edit Task button, select the new project you want to move it to, and save the changes.

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